This website was created for the purpose of having a website that I could use to showcase myself. However it was also created as a learning experience. I hadn't touched HTML, CSS, or JavaScript ever at this point, and didn't want to use a website builder, or some pre-built template, or anything else that would take the learning experience away from me. So I decided to build it from scratch on Jekyll. No theme, no template, no nothing. I like to think it looks decent, but it's no polished shiny template. Maybe one day when I'm a lot more familiar with web development I'll come back and truly showcase what I can do. But for now, this'll do.
For an example of something I've done that is a lot more sophisticated, check out That's a website I built for my company, and it's a lot more polished and professional. But that's because I had a lot more experience when I built that. It uses vite, react, tailwind, and a lot of other cool stuff. This website is just a simple Jekyll website.
Source code for that website can be found here.
This website is designed to:
This site is built with Jekyll, and hosted on GitHub Pages. The design is themeless and a lazy custom build. The following technologies are used:
To set up a local copy of this website, follow these steps:
git clone
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve
Open http://localhost:4000
in your browser to view the site.
I welcome contributions to my site and corrections to any inaccuracies found on the site. Please feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.
This site ( is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). You can find the full text of the license in the LICENSE file.
The GPL is a copyleft license that promotes the principles of open-source software. It ensures that any derivative works based on this project must also be distributed under the same GPL license. This license grants you the freedom to use, modify, and distribute the software.
Please note that this information is a brief summary of the GPL. For a detailed understanding of your rights and obligations under this license, please refer to the full license text.